Join us for the next Introductory Circle!

Friday, October 18, 2024 at 9:30-11:30 am

Arboretum Co-housing, 1137 Erin St. in Madison, WI

This session is free and is hosted and sponsored by CORE Circles: Practices for Social Transformation.  Contact me with questions and Register Here.

Climate Circles: Why, What and How

Why Climate Circles?
The climate crisis is in the news and on our minds but often feels too big to face. That’s why most people don’t talk about it or take new action to contribute to solutions. Yet talking about it can lead to relief, to feeling connected, and to taking inspired action. Even though it’s common to think that our actions will make no difference, it turns out that individual actions matter greatly and we need each of us to help turn the tide.

Climate Circles provide a kind, courageous, facilitated place to connect with others, share our fears and hopes, build resiliency and move into engagement for the climate. Participants learn elements of the “coach approach” as they truly listen and practice being present, curious and holding others with unconditional positive regard. This “relational presence” helps turn fear into caring and stuckness into action.

Single Session: Organizations or groups of 5 or more can start the process of a “coach approach”of inquiry and sharing that may lead to new awareness and shifted energy in a single session.

The Series: 3-5 additional sessions take the Circle participants through a journey of tweaking their inner narratives, looking more deeply at blocks and emotions, naming what truly matters and clarifying values, exploring hopes and vision, considering “the spectrum of engagement” and experimenting with individual contributions to the green transition. Each session is facilitated by a professional coach and offers participants new learning and practice in basic elements of the coach approach to listening to and to shifting out of “stuck” and into satisfying engagement. Engagement could be a new action like taking the bus once a week or joining a climate action group or using compassion or resiliency practices. Circles help you find what works for you.

On-going Community: If the participants want to continue beyond 5 sessions, 1 or 2 participants can become trained facilitators for the Circle to keep the learning and connection and support for action and resiliency going.

Our vision:  A growing network of Climate Circles creating a movement of people building community, resiliency and a wave of engagement that helps fuel the Green Transition.

We’d love for you to be a part of this.    Join us at the next free introductory Circle!

Friday, October 18, 2024
9:30-11:30 am
Arboretum Co-housing
1137 Erin St.
Madison, Wisconsin

Register Here.  This session is free and is sponsored by CORE: Practices for Social Transformation.